Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Inconsiderate Teens

I am writing this blog because I am enraged on behalf of my grandmother. Some teens these days just suck! Let me explain....

Last night, we went out for dinner with my grandmother and her 2 sisters and their families. One of her sisters came out from Ipoh, hence, the reunion dinner.

Anyway, after dinner at G Hotel, we were walking to the Gurney Plaza carpark and had to get on the lift as we were with old people. The lift area was very crowded with young people. When the lift came, the young people got on 1st but that's understandable 'cause they were there 1st.

But when the next lift came, these young girls who came later than us immediately pushed their way onto the lift, giggling and laughing all the way. They didn't even care that there were 3 old ladies waiting for the lift too! And 2 of these old ladies were using tongkats! Are they blind or something?! Don't they teach you in Moral that you always let old people go 1st?! Teens nowadays!

My parents were of course blaming our generation when it isn't our fault! Those i-diots made all of us look bad! I told my dad all my friends would've waited for the old ladies to get on before going in but of course he didn't listen. My poor grandma and her sisters... Getting pushed to the side... Stupid those girls......

Ok, I'm done ranting. That's it. Just don't become one of those people..

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