Anyway I'm gonna be talking about my recent exam results. A few things happened for the first time.
First Thing #1: I didn't fail Biology. This is my second year taking Biology and this year's teacher is WAAAY better than last year's so maybe I was more motivated. But actually I only got 48 marks and I only managed to pass after pleading with the teacher to give me 1 mark but pass is pass.
First Thing #2: I didn't fail Sejarah. Actually this is the second time I passed Sejarah but last time I barely got 50. This time I got 56! Oh yeah! Big improvement. 3% increase if I'm not wrong.
First Thing #3: I got 100 marks in two subjects. I've gotten 100 marks before in Primary school la, just not in High school... I'm happy but yet disappointed that this exam doesn't count in my report card. Figures...
First Thing #4: I failed Chinese. Well, actually I think I failed before in Form 3 but this is the first time I got 44. Or rather 43.5. I have no one to blame but myself but you can't blame me because I didn't read ming2 ju4 for PMR and I still got an A. So I figured that maybe I could pass without reading but turns out I was wrong...
Ok I think only 4 things are firsts. Let's think about something else to blog about.
I feel like I have no life right now but that's ok because tomorrow I'm getting one. I'm going out. Oh yeah I just remembered! I tried on make-up again last Sunday because my mum was putting hers on and I want to be like my mum.
So she put on eyeliner for me (which made me cry because it like, nearly touched my eye!) and then on my eyelid, she put dark blue eyeshadow with a light colour above it. And guess what? I looked not bad! (When I told Chris this, she said make-up is supposed to make you look good because it's supposed to enhance your beauty but I don't have a good history with make-up. They usually make me look beat up or like a drag queen.) So I have my mum to thank for making me look half-good! Thanks, mum!
I've got a picture and you can't really see the make-up but whatever.
I also tried on my mum's dress last last week! It's really grungy and boring-looking but I love the top! It looks so witchy and I pretended I was someone from Merlin. (I know, I know... The lame-ness...) I LOVE the sleeves! So nice to play with but the whole outfit looks very lao ah ee so I'll probably never wear it. Unless I'm going to a costume party or I'm only wearing the top with some other pants.
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