Wednesday, December 31, 2008

CTC 2008

I loved CTC 2008 but I didn't blog about it. It happened about 3 weeks ago and I didn't have real time to blog about it so I'd better do it now. Before I forget what happened. It helps that I have over 600 photos to refresh my memory.

First I shall introduce CTC. It stands for Combined Training Camp. It is held annually by 8th Georgetown (South) Sea Scouts (aka 8th South PFS scouts). Anyway, they - being really smart boys - invited 4 girl schools to participate in this camp: Convent Light Street, Convent Green Lane, St George's and PCGHS. Each school's Guides or Rangers combine with a few 8th South Scouts to form a patrol. However, this year, our patrol had no scouts.

Some pathetic scouts either couldn't go or backed out. Either way, our school was represented by only 10 Guides/Rangers, no Scouts. But we sure showed them.... We won the Overall Trophy! Not bad eh?

Our Guides managed to build a float, mascot and gadgets all by themselves. Without the help of Scouts! Well, maybe a few helped us... But the majority of the work was done by our own guides.

They did well in almost all the competitions and I am as proud as a mother hen! I feel like my babies just learned how to fly or something! Aw.... They made me teary-eyed...

Anyway, the funnest part of the entire camp is Cabaran time! There was this dug hole that was filled with water and leftover food and oil and eggs and flour and other disgusting things. I LOVED IT!

The participants had to get from one side to the other. That's it. Though the EXCOs did torture them a bit...

They even got a mud mask. Cool right?

In the end I just had to go in! I stepped into the deepest hole and the water came up to my thigh! I didn't wanna put my whole body in though. I wasn't gonna bathe in their flooded and full toilet! I just washed my leg and changed. Actuall, I was relatively clean...

These are my most favourite pictures! This looks so High School Musical, don't you think?

It took a lot for me to get to that platform I'm standing on. If you can't see me, I'm 2nd to the right. It took a lot of guts for me to get past that hanging bridge. It was so freaking scary. Can rock left, right, front, back and everything in between!
I even met a 'gay' couple.....

No la.. Actually 1 of them has a girlfriend already la... Don't wanna get him in trouble....

You know what the best thing was? I got a trophy for doing nothing! Well, nothing much...

On the last day of camp, we went to the beach! It was so fun and I walked on the sandy shores with my dear.... Luckily I didn't get pushed into the sea! Unlike our PL, Yuen Lin!

My fellow EXCOs pakat together and wore the same shirt. Didn't tell me.... Actually they did but I didn't hear... Oops...
I think that concludes our camp. But I really miss everybody! Luckily we're having a reunion soon. Can't wait! We'll see everybody else there! Especially my dear! Who is kinda pissed at me... Hehe...

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