Monday, August 25, 2008

Braces Off!

Yesterday I was prepared to take off my braces this morning. NO MORE REFLECTING TEETH! So I cam-whored a lot. These are the last few pictures of me with braces. Warning: serious cam-whoring ahead. And I know I look really blur but it was late.

As of today, I NO LONGER WEAR BRACES - on my top row of teeth. When I got there, the doctor had another look at my teeth and declared that my bottom row of teeth is still not stable enough so I'll have to keep on the bottom braces until October 9 when my braces will truly be totally off. Here's what I look like now.

I know! I look like a horse. Well, Chris, at least I don't have bunny teeth! Hahahahaha..........


  1. HAHAHA! Bunny teeth!! Oh mah gawd! Laugh die me...

  2. yea sorry you should get those braces back on!

  3. yo anonymous!!!

    i noe i look stuipid in those photos but they were taken SOOOOOO long ago n fyi, my teeth r GORGEOUS! *flashes a grin*
